humble heroes | adriaan breunis | nachtstück

Meet humble hero Adriaan Breunis who masters an even more humble instrument: the viola. Adriaan Breunis began studying violin at the Amsterdam Conservatory with Ilya Grubert after two years of art history and school music. He then switched to the viola and took lessons from Esther Apituley. Besides Quartet Quinetique, Adriaan plays in various adventurous ensembles such as Fuse, Club Classique and the Oneiros Ensemble. Adriaan works as a substitute for the Radio Philarmonic Orchestra, the Gelderland Orchestra, Amsterdam Sinfonietta and the Metropole Orchestra. He played in theater performances of Bob Fosko, Lilian Hak and Wende Snijders and played in the Magogo Kamerorkest and Camerata RCO.

Debussy – Sonata for flute viola and harp

Music by:

Adriaan Breunis – viola

Doriene Marselje – harp

Janneke Groesz – flute

Recorded on June 8, 2021

humble heroes © is a production of Dutch Performers House at Exalto Studio’s Haarlem

Executive producer: Corine Haitjema

Production: Daniela Solano

Sound: Bart Wagemakers

Video: Pieter Hoogland, Rens Beks

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