Birds of Paradise

Van 9 tot en met 13 maart landen vijf paradijsvogels in TivoliVredenburg. Tijdens Birds of Paradise Festival krijgen internationaal en nationaal gerenommeerde multidisciplinaire artiesten shows residenties voor één dag. Daarin krijgen zij een vrijbrief voor exclusieve, op maat gemaakte performances, samenwerkingen, curaties, randprogramma en online content. Verwacht versmeltingen van genres en vakgebieden en diepgaande muzikale/theatrale ervaringen op het grensvlak van indie pop, electronica en hedendaags klassiek – zowel live als online.

In 2022, the Birds of Paradise will land in Utrecht for five days of sonic enchantment. A carefully curated selection of known talents will develop unique, out-of-the-ordinary live experiences on the verge of pop, electronic and classical music.

The shell is broken, the beak is open. Hungry for new experiences, fresh tastes and flights to unfamiliar territories: the birds are ready to fly out. Unknown colours, aesthetically pleasing combinations and new ways of singing: these features make our Birds of Paradise unique. Expect genre and discipline fluidity, exclusive one-off performances and in-depth music experiences: both live and online.
In 2022, the first batch of Birds of Paradise will land in Utrecht for five days of sonical enchantment. For real: these artists are different from the rest. For Birds of Paradise Festival, a carefully curated selection of known talents will develop unique, out-of-the-ordinary live experiences on the crossroads of indie pop, electronic and contemporary classical music. Their drift for unknown territories, personal connection to socially urgent themes and – not in the least – their discerned, multi-layered musical qualities as composers, performers, dancers and/or singers will be highlighted during Birds of Paradise 2022. Fly out with the artists this March in TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht.
Tickets & info: